02 April 2011

Day 92

What would a Saturday post be if it didn’t have a picture of the kids doing some kind of sport?  So, here you go…

LilCrockett had his last basketball game of the year.  It was bittersweet.  Though I’m kind of glad to be free of practice and games for this sport since t-ball has started, I will miss watching him play.  He is really good, especially since he’s never really played before.  During today’s game, they paired him against Taylor, the little black boy on the opposite team, most of the time. 

We played this team one other time this season and without a doubt Taylor is an awesome player.  I call him Little Air Jordan.  But LilCrockett’s skills have improved a ton since that 1st game and now he can keep up with Taylor.  It was neat to watch the two of them guard each other, etc.  It definitely made for an exciting game.  LilCrockett scored 4 baskets despite the increased guarding and because of his efforts, he earned the red star for Best Offense.  Way to go little buddy! 


GothGirl’s team played a double header today….two games back to back.  During the first game, they won 3 of the 4 matches.  During the second game (versus a different team), the won the first match but lost the following 2 matches.  Partly, I think they were a little tired.  But they still need to get more aggressive and go after that ball.  GothGirl’s returns were better this week, but her serves were a little worse.  Sadly, this was their last game for the season.  I’ll miss watching her play as well.  Here she is leaping up to set the ball.  I love that I captured her in mid-air. 


I thought you’d enjoy seeing another non-sport photo.  This one was taken by Crockett using our point and shoot camera.  Our neighbor’s nephew came over on his motorcycle and LilCrockett wanted to sit on it because he loves bikes.  The photo is slightly blurry, but I love his expression….it just says it all!  Pretty cool that his basketball uniform matches the bike too! 

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