07 May 2011

Day 127

Since I shared GothGirl’s Mother’s Day creation here yesterday, I’d better share LilCrockett’s here today.  What mom can resist a child’s handprint and a cute poem?!! 



LilCrockett also brought me another gift today.  He went for a walk to the local pond with the neighbor girls and came back with a bouquet of flowers for me.  He told me he got me the flowers “because it’s Mother’s Day and because I love you”.  Awww….melt my heart!  I took a cute photo of him with the flowers but that photo is on my phone.  I was lucky to get the photos from my camera downloaded, so this one will have to do (it’s actually a better quality photo anyway, but just doesn’t have my sweet little boy in it).


Crockett had baseball practice today and since it was picture day, they got to wear their uniforms for the first time.  He was especially excited about his new hat.  Here are a few photos from practice. 

Batter up!


LilCrockett is still trying to get his timing down during batting and catching, but he already has an amazing throwing ability.  Sometimes I can’t believe how coordinated he is especially since I’m not!  He definitely gets that from his dad.


I love this shot.  He was playing 1st base and got his teammate out (they were playing a scrimmage).  Overjoyed, he leaped up off the base.  So cool that I caught his jump mid-air!


This is probably my favorite shot of the day.  A close-up of the coach with the players.  They give each other high fives at the end of practice and then end by singing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”.  Love this candid shot with no one even aware that I’m taking the photo.  And who can resist cute little kids in ball uniforms?!!  Too bad the other coach was in the background picking up the bases.  I may end up Photoshopping him out at some point.


During practice, GothGirl hung out with one of her friends (whose brother is on LilCrockett’s team) and another of their friend’s little brother. 


After practice, the kids make a beeline for the playground equipment.  This particular playground is normally reserved for the other elementary grades when school is in session, so the kindergarteners don’t get to play on it much.  Thus, it’s the first thing they want to do after practice.  Here’s a shot of LilCrockett jumping from the top of the equipment.  So glad he didn’t break a leg or anything.  Crazy boy!


And then a shot of him at home playing on top of the wheelbarrow, which is his new favorite toy.


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