26 March 2011

Day 85

I know you’re probably getting tired of seeing sports photos, but volleyball and basketball have become a big part of our lives lately.  GothGirl’s team played first this morning at the crack of dawn (OK, so it was 8:00 am, but we had to be there early so the parents could take team photos).  I did get a decent photo of GothGirl getting ready to serve.



They won the first game, but lost the next two.  The score in the 2nd game was only a couple of points different, so that was encouraging.  After the game, we took the kids to the local farm store to see some baby chicks.  Looks like our visit might have been a little late as there were only 4 chicks left.  The rest had all been sold.  I snapped this photo with my iPhone. 


We ran a few errands then went home to chill for a bit and have lunch before LilCrockett’s game, which was at 1:00 pm.  I was a little nervous about how he would play because he was very moody, tired, & cranky up until game time.  He sat out the first session of play (only 4 from a team are allowed on the court at a time).  Perhaps that game him some time to think because when it was his turn to play, he turned up the heat and played the best game of the season.  He scored 4 baskets and got a ton of rebounds.  It was great to see him playing so well.  Because of his efforts, he received a gray star for Best Offense.  He was VERY excited to say the least.

Here’s a shot of him getting ready to shoot a basket and then another shot where I captured him in the air during a jump (I think he was trying to catch a rebound). 

a099  a134

Just one more week of games left and then basketball and volleyball are over.  Don’t worry though, there will be plenty of sports photos still as LilCrockett starts T-ball this week. 

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