25 February 2011

Day 56

We have a lot of weekend plans and so my mom was driving up tonight.  The kids are always so excited to see her, as are Crockett and I.  Due to winter weather and crazy schedules, we haven’t seen her since Christmas, so the kids were even more excited than normal for her to get here.  Couldn’t resist taking a shot of Seth looking out the window for her van. 


You’re going to laugh at the next photo.  My husband had his big, winter parka inside for a bit and LilCrockett quickly snatched it up and ran into the other room.  When he came running back in a bit later (carrying a book), he was wearing the coat, which was almost as tall as him.  I think he looks like a cross between an Eskimo (because of the big, fuzzy hood) and an oompa-loompa (because the coat nearly reaches the ground and makes him look short and squat).


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