13 July 2011

Day 193

If you remember from one of last month’s post, I had a double maternity photo shoot with 2 of my friends.  Well, tonight I had a couples maternity photo shoot with one of them and her husband after work.  They live quite a ways away from me, but were in town for a doctor’s appointment; so we agreed to meet at my house after work because it was quick and easy.  Unfortunately it was super sunny and fairly hot and my yard does not offer that many background opportunities for a photo shoot (and those that I do have were in bright sun for the most part), but we decided to make the most of it.  It definitely helped to get more experience shooting under these harsh conditions.  Here are a few of my favorite shots of this cute couple who are getting ready to start their family.

I just love L’s smile in this one!  She’s such a natural with the camera….very relaxed and photogenic.




This shot was taken under the mimosa tree in our front yard.  The tree provided some much-needed shade and a great leaning trunk photo opportunity.  Plus, the sun was shining from the right giving this mom-to-be a nice warm glow.


L wanted a photo on our big tree swing.  The was sun casting some irregular patches of light due to the tree canopy which made for some more difficult shooting conditions.   


LilCrockett was watching as we took this spot, which sort of embarrassed L’s hubby.  Pretty cute how he has a bit of a blush going on (though I think it’s partly the heat as well!).


These next few shots were taken in my neighbor’s yard.  The hydrangea bushes made for a beautiful backdrop.


Is this not the cutest little baby bump?!!  I love how the green flowers bring out the green in her shirt.  And the turquoise adds some beautiful contrast with the brick and dark leaves.


Thanks L & G for a great shoot, especially in the heat!  I had a fun time photographing the two of you!

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