
My name is Tara, wife of Crockett and mom to GothGirl (she has an affinity for the color black) and LilCrockett (he is a mini version of my husband).

I purchased my first digital SLR camera in December 2008 and I have been trying to learn about photography ever since.  And while I've come a long way (before my purchase, I knew next to nothing about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc.), there is still much to learn.  Plus, knowing that I'm only going to get better by shooting a bazillion pictures, I decided to start this Project 365 blog, which will force me to pick up my camera on a daily basis.  Look for at least one photo here every day in 2011.  I'll also be working on improving my photo editing skills, though hopefully my straight-out-of-camera (SOCC) shots will get so much better that editing will be minimal!

The photos in my slideshow were taken in August 2010 while we were vacationing in Maine on Mt. Desert Island and Acadia National Park.  Living in Illinois, we don't have quite the scenery to compare.  So some of my best photos are from the great coastal state. 

My Gear

  • Canon Rebel XTi

  • Canon 50mm f/1.8
  • Canon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
  • Tamron 28-75 f/2.8


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